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870 lines
@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@#### ####### #####
@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@### ### ##### ### ####
@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @ @@@@@######## ##### ### ####
@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @ @@@ @@@@@#### ###### ### ####
@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @ @@ @@@ @@@@### ########## ### ####
@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@### ## ### #####
CliVa v2.0 Copyright © 1991 1992 1993 Christian Warren All rights reserved.
CliVa is placed in the Public Domain for the Amiga. A shareware fee
of 15$ is suggested to use it. Feel free to use it, but AT YOUR OWN RISK,
as I cannot be considered responsible for any damage caused to your system.
CliVa will give you the chance to build a interface entirely configurable
to launch your applications from gadgets. If you want to have a better idea of
the possibility of CliVa, I encourage you to check for the examples supplied
in the archive.
To use CliVa, you must have the 'PowerPacker.library' (permit the
compression of the config) and the 'req.library'. These two library are
present in the archive, if you execute the 'Example' file the library will be
charged in memory but not copied to your system. To install them on your
system you must click on the 'Install CliVa' Button.
- CliVa must be able to access the 'PowerPacker.library', the
'req.library' and the 'diskfont.library'.
- The file 'echo', 'execute', 'newshell' and 'mouse' must be present in one
of the directory of the path.
- The OS 2.0 IS NOT required for CliVa.
Information on the CliVa executable
- CliVa is 'pure', you can make it resident.
SHELL usage:
Cliva {-configuration} Other.config {-configuration}
'-configuration' ==> CliVa take the arguement as if it as been placed at
the beginning of the config file.
'Other.config' ==> Config to load. By default, CliVa search in the
current path for the file 'CliVa.config' then he
search it in the directory S:.
CliVa Other.config
CliVa Configuration Commands
format: -TASK_PRIORITY priority
default: priority = 0
function: Define the task priority of CliVa, must be between -19 and +19.
format: -DEF_WINDOW_EXECUTE shell_window_definition
default: "CON:000/095/640/105/CliVa_Shell"
function: Define all shell output specifications which will be opened if
the selected gadget needs an output window.
format: -ON_SCREEN my_screen
default: "Workbench"
function: Opens CliVa on a particular screen. The supplied name of the
screen can consist of the first few letters of the targeted
real name screen. If the screen is not found, CliVa will open
on the default screen. Make sure you close CliVa before you
close the screen it is on, because you will be meditating about
your error while rebooting your system.:-)
ex. -ON_SCREEN CED -> Open Cliva on the Cygnus Ed screen
format: -ICONIFIED
function: CliVa will start iconified.
function: The 'AutoIconify' option in the menu will be selected.
(more on this AutoIconify function further down)
format: -WINDOW_TITLE title
default: "CliVa 2.0 (c) 1991-1993 Christian Warren"
function: Changes the window title. If CliVa's configuration is more
than one page, the following will be inserted " (Page xxx/max )"
to the titlebar. If the NO_DRAG_BAR option is used, the Screen
titlebar will be used.
format: -NO_DRAG_BAR
function: The window does not have a visible DragBar. CliVa will create
invisible gadgets to replace those that are eliminated.
Those invisible gadgets will be placed at the top of the window.
format: -NO_MENU
function: Does not attach a menu to the screen. You must define a "Quit"
gadget if you want to be able to Quit CliVa.
Name: FONT
format: -FONT font height
default: system font by default.
function: Define the font to be used and its height.
ex. -FONT Diamond.font 14
format: -POS_WINDOW position_x position_y
default: position_x = 0 position_y = 11
function: Define CliVa's top left window corner. If your entry is more
then the screen border, the position will be ajusted to be as
close as possible. An example would be if you define X as 2000,
then CliVa's window will be against the right side screen border.
format: -COLOR_WINDOW Letter_color Background_color
default: Letter_color = 2 Background_letter_color = 1
function: Define colors to be used in the window. These colors are, among
things, used for menus and window border.
format: -COLOR_BACKGROUND color
default: color = 2
function: Define color for background of the window.
format: -NB_GADGETS nb_horizontal nb_vertical
default: nb_horizontal = 5 nb_vertical = 4
function: Define how many horizontal and vertical gadgets.
format: -UP_TO_DOWN
function: The gadgets will be numbered from top to buttom instead of
left to right.
1 2 3 1 4 7
4 5 6 2 5 8
7 8 9 3 6 9
format: -SIZE_GADGET Width height
default: width = 112 height = 13
function: Define width and height of gadgets.
format: -PIXEL_BETWEEN_GADGET space_x space_y
default: space_x = 12 space_y = 4
function: Define space, in pixels, between the gadgets.
format: -PIXEL_FROM_BORDER left right top buttom
default: left = 16 right = 16 top = 5 buttom = 5
function: Define space, in pixels, between the gadgets and the border
of the window.
format: -COLOR_BORDER_GADGET color_Top color_Buttom
default: color_Top = 1 color_Buttom = 0
function: Define colors to be used for the gadgets borders.
format: -COLOR_GADGET_DEF Letter_color Back_color
default: Letter_color = 1 Back_color = 2
function: Define default color for gadgets.
format: -FONT_STYLE style
default: NORMAL
function: Define default font style for the gadgets. You must enter
a number defining the font style.
ex. BOLDFACE + ITALICS -> 2 + 4 ==> -FONT_STYLE 6
format: -GADGET_ICONIFIED name
default: "CliVa"
function: Define what will be written in CliVa's iconified window.
format: -DEF_ICON position_x position_y width
default: position_x = 0 position_y = 11 width = 100
function: Define CliVa's top left window corner position and width.
( minimum width = 26)
The X and Y arguments are subject to the same defenition of
POS_WINDOW. The height of the window will respect the
gadgets height.
format: -SET_VAR name value
function: Define a variable to ease creation of scripts.
You can define as many variables as you wish. Once defined,
CliVa will replace the -name- by its -numeric_value- when a
configuration needs a number as an argument.
If a variable name is define more than once, only the first
occurance will be used. Variables usage is encouraged to create
easy modifiable scripts.
ex. -SET_VAR red 3
-SET_VAR blue 2
-SET_VAR Boldface_Undescore 3
-FONT_STYLE Boldface_Undescore
- The variables defined by SET_VAR can be used anywhere when the
argument required is a number.
ex. -SET_VAR red 2 <= OK
-SET_VAR Titre "CliVa 2.0" <= ERROR
-WINDOW_TITLE red <= window title -> 'red'
- The argument which have imbedded spaces must be quoted using '"'.
ex. -WINDOW_TITLE "CliVa 2.0"
- These commands MUST BE placed before any gadget definition.
If a command is placed after a gadget definition, it will be shown
in the gadget definition.
- You can comment lines using the '#' at the beginning of the line.
Gadgets definition
These arguments are used to define a gadget.
Title of gadget = Chain of characters to be written in the gadget. The
title of the gadget can contain [<number>]. It will
insert the content of the defined variable <number>.
If the variable's value changes, it will be reflected
in the gadget's title
variable 1 = "OS 2.0"
title = "Color [1]"
Result -> "Color OS 2.0"
Letter_color = Color used for the letters in a gadget.
Back_color = Color for the background in a gadget.
Font_style = Font style for a gadget.
(see configuration FONT_STYLE)
Nine types of gadgets are possible:
------------------------ 1. Starting Command --------------------------
[Command ...]
Define the commands that will be executed when Starting CliVa.
No gadgets will be created. This can be usefull if you want to
assign some values by default to certain variable.
=D "DiskCopy from [2] to [3]"
DiskCopy \vu[2] TO \vu[3]
------------------------------ 2. Gadget -------------------------------
=D Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
[Command ...]
Define a gadget. You must supply a title, others are optional.
=D "Avail" red blue
------------------------------- 3. Menu --------------------------------
=D* Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
Define a 'Menu'. This kind of gadget cannot execute commands.
They can be used to seperate different part of your configuration.
These Gadget wont have the elevated 3d look like regular ones.
You must supply a title, others are optional.
=D* "Tools" white black
-------------------- 4. Definition of a Fix Gadget --------------------
=[ position Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
[Command ...]
Define a gadget that will show up on every pages, at the same
location it was defined for. You must supply the position where
you want it to be located. A negatif number will place the gadget
counting from the end of the page instead of the beginning.
Don't forget to keep in mind the UP_TO_DOWN option. The number
of fix gadget is limited to 29. Be carefull not to put all gadgets
of a page as Fix ones, in that situation CliVa will fall in a loop
and will create zillions of gadgets...
The gadgets will be numbered as:
1 2 3 4 -12 -11 -10 -9
5 6 7 8 or -8 -7 -6 -5
9 10 11 12 -4 -3 -2 -1
=[ 11 "Next Page" black red
*** is equal to ***
=[ -2 "Next Page" black red
--------------------- 5. definition of a Fix Menu ----------------------
=[* position Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
Define a Menu that will appear on each pages, starting from the
location where it is define. For the rest, its the same as a
Fix Gadget.
--------------- 6. destruction of a gadget or a Fix Menu ---------------
=] position
Kill a Fix Gadget or a Fix Menu.
... many pages WithOUT the Bogus gadget ...
=[* 2 "Bogus"
... many pages WITH the Bogus gadget ...
=] 2
... many pages without the Bogus gadget ...
---------------------------- 7. Empty Gadget----------------------------
Define a empty gadget. Equal to the defenition:
=D* ""
--------------------- 8. Empty gadget till next line -------------------
Place 'Empty' gadgets till next line as long as we are not the
first gadget of the line, if on the first gadget, nothing will be
--------------------- 9. Empty Gadget till next page -------------------
Place 'empty' gadget till next page as long as we are not the
first gadget of the page, if on the first gadget, nothing will be
------- 10. Add an APPMenu to the Tools menu of the Workbench ----------
=M Title
[Command ...]
Define an APPMenu. You must supply a title. You cannot use variable
in the title...
(ex. '=M "See [1]"' => Title will be "See [1]".)
=M "See Texte"
more \f1
Options available on the command script line
All options start with a BackSlash ('\') and are followed by arguments
define between brackets ('[', ']'). If an argument define as
[^<number>], then the content of the variable <number> will be used.
\vs[1]You have selected the file \f1!
- When the argument of a command is 'starting directory', you can
place a [-] to keep it effective. This function is only usefull when
you want to supply values to other arguments (ex. the title) with out
having to define it again.
Copy \f1[dh0:][From Which file?] TO \f1[][To Which file?]
=> This way, the starting directory of the second \f1 will be the
current directory. But if you replace the second \f1 by
'\f1[-][To Which file?]' then the current directory will be the one
from which file are copied from, which more practical..
- When the argument is a 'Question', you can place '@' in the question
which will insert a line feed at that place.
- The variables used in this part of CliVa are define by a number of
variable (1 to 15000) and by the content of that variable. Once
define, the variable can be used just about anywhere. For example,
the content of a variable can be used as a gadget title (see gadget
defenition). Be carefull not to get mixed up using CliVa's local
variables and the 'Env:' environment variables, you must use the
\vfe and \vte functions which provide a way of importing and exporting
the content of 'Env:' environments with a CliVa's variable.
option: \b
function: Executes a backspace in the command.
example: Copy df0: to df0:\b\b1: => Copy df0: to df1:
option: \d[starting directory][window title]
Arg oblig.: None.
function: Opens a directory requester.
example: cd \d[ram:][Which directory?]
option: \dl
function: Insert the last directory selected. If \f1 or \fm as been
used, the path will be inserted. This option can be very
useful, take for instance the following example.
example: \vs[1]\f1[][File to be executed?]
cd \dl => The current directory is the one where
\vu[1] => the file to be executed is located.
option: \f1[starting directory][window title][pattern]
Arg oblig.: None.
function: Open a file requester. The selected file will be inserted in
the script.
example: Unwarp \f1[download:][Which file?][*.wrp]
option: \fl[extension]
Arg oblig.: None.
function: Insert the last selected file. You can change the extension
of the file.
example: shamsharp \f1 \fl[iff] ==> shamsharp "image.gif" "image.iff"
option: \fm[starting directory][window title][pattern][max]
Arg oblig.: None.
function: Open a multiple file requester. You can specify a maximum
number of files to be selected.
example: View80 \fm[text:][Texts to read?][*][10]
option: \g and \G
function: By default, the files and directories are quoted.
These options give you the possibility to remove or insert
\g -> No quotes.
\G -> Insert quotes.
example: View80 \f \g\f \G\f => view80 "file1" file2 "file3"
option: \o et \O
function: By default, the file is preceded by its path.
These options give you the possibility to remove or insert
the path.
\o -> No path.
\O -> Insert the path.
example: Deksid \f1 => Deksid "dh0:rep/file"
Deksid \o\f1 => Deksid "file"
Deksid \O\f1 => Deksid "dh0:rep/file"
option: \pa[window title][question][Left Cont][Middle Cont][Right Cont]
[Left Content][Middle Content][Right Content]
Arg needed: Window tiltle and Question.
function: Open a requester. If the Left answer is selected, then its
content is inserted in the script. Same thing for Middle and
example: \pa[Info][Which drive?][df0:][][df1:][df0:][][df1:]
option: \q[content by default][window title]
Arg needed: Content and Title.
function: Ask a question.
example: Unwarp \f1 \q[df0:][Which drive?]
option: \ql
function: Insert the last answer to a question.
example: cd \q[df0:][Which Drive?]
Unwarp \f1 \ql
option: \ivs[variable number]
Arg needed: Variable number.
function: If the variable IS NOT define, the remaining of the current line
will be analysed.
example: \ivs[1]\vs[1]\d[ram:][Open a Shell in which directory?]
NewShell \vu[1] => The first time this gadget will be executed
the directory will be asked. Then the
command "NewShell Dir" will be executed
without entering anything.
option: \vc[variable number]
Arg needed: None.
function: Clear one or all variables of CliVa. If no argument are passed
to this function, all variables will be erased.
You should always clear local variables to one gadget, since
each variable requires memory.
example: \vs[1]You have selected the file \f1
option: \ved[variable number][content targeted]
Arg needed: Variable number and the content targeted.
function: If the variable is define and its content IS EQUAL to the
targeted one, the rest of the current line will be analysed.
(possibility to use pattern when you have the OS 2.0)
example: \vs[1]\pa[Info][Question?][Choice a][Choice b][Choice c][a][b][c]
\ved[1][a]Command for choice a.
\ved[1][a]Other command for choice a.
\ved[1][b]Command for choice b.
\ved[1][c]Command for choice c.
option: \vnd[variable number][content targeted]
Arg needed: Variable number and the content targeted.
function: If the variable is define and its content IS NOT EQUAL to the
targeted one, the rest of the current line will be analysed.
(possibility to use pattern when you have the OS 2.0)
option: \vfe[CliVa variable number][name of the variable ENV:]
Arg needed: CliVa Variable number and the name of the variable ENV:.
function: Import the content of a variable 'ENV:' in one of 'CliVa'.
You must use this function if you want (for example) to modify
the content of a Environment 'ENV:'.
Note: the name of the variable 'ENV:' can contain a path
(ex. 'ram:env/Workbench') but it must not be Quoted.
example: \vs[1]\g\o\f1[ENV:][Modify which variable ENV:?]
option: \vm[variable number]
Arg needed: Variable number.
function: Modify the content of a variable. The window title will be
'Modify variable', if that title doesn't reflect your needs,
you can always use the \q option which of a more general nature.
\vm[1] === \vs[1]\q[^1][Other Title]
example: \vs[1]\f1 => 'ram:env/Workbench'
Deksid \vu[1]\vc[1]
option: \vs[variable number][Content]
Arg needed: Variable number.
function: Assign the content of a variable. If Content is provided,
Content will be assigned to the variable. Otherwise the content
assigned will be the analysed result of the line on which \vs is.
The variable number must be between 1 and 15000. If you enter a
number outside of this range, CliVa will accept it but the result
could be surprising.
example: You have chosen \f1.\vs[1]
=> Variable 1 = 'You have chosen a "file".'
=> Variable 1 = 'Dummy1' and Variable 2 = 'Dummy2'
option: \vte[CliVa variable number][name of the variable ENV:]
Arg needed: CliVa variable number and the name of the variable ENV:.
function: Export the content of the CliVa variable to the ENV: variable.
Note: Unlike \vfe, the name of the variable ENV: can not
contain the path..
example: \vfe[2][WorkBench]
option: \vu[variable number][content by default]
Arg needed: Variable number.
function: Insert in the script the content of a variable. If the variable
is not define, the default content will be used.
example: Format DRIVE \vu[1][df0:] name \q[Stuff][New name?]\w\nd
option: \I
function: After the gadget as been executed, CliVa will iconify.
example: CliVa s:other.config\I
option: \Q
function: After the gadget as been executed, CliVa will quit.
example: CliVa s:CliVa.config\Q ==> RE-LOAD CliVa config.
option: \np
function: After the gadget as been executed, the page number will be
incremented by one. Many \np can be in the same command.
example: =D "Next Page"
option: \pp
function: After the gadget as been executed, the page number will be
decremented by one. Many \pp can be in the same command
example: =D "Précédente Page"
option: \p[page number]
Arg needed: Page number.
function: After the gadget as been executed, the page number will be
changed to the one supplied.
example: =D "Go to page 3"
option: \sa
function: DeSelect the AutoIconify option in the menu.
option: \sA
function: Select the AutoIconify option in the menu.
option: \sm
function: DeSelect the modify option in the menu.
option: \sM
function: Select the modify option in the menu.
option: \m
function: The line which contains \m may be modified when the gadget is
executed. See the 'Modify Command' option.
example: cd dh0: ==> doesn't modify
Avail\m ==> modify's
dir ==> doesn't modify
option: \M
function: Starting at the line where \M is, all lines can be modified
when the gadget is executed. See the 'Modify Command' option.
example: cd dh0: ==> doesn't modify
Avail\M ==> modify's
dir ==> modify's
option: \ael[Window Title][Question][Positive Resp][Negative Resp]
Arg needed: Window Title and Question.
function: If the answer is Positive, then the rest of the current line
will be analysed.
example: avail
\eal[Question][Execute Deksid before dir?][Yes][No]Deksid
option: \aes[Window title][Question][Positive Resp][Negative Resp]
Arg needed: Window Title and Question.
function: If the answer is Positive, then the rest of the lines will be
example: avail
\aes[Question][Execute Deksid and dir?][Yes][No]Deksid
option: \des[Window Title][Question][Positive Resp][Negative Resp]
Arg needed: None
function: If the answer to the question is Negative or the title and
the question are not supplied, Then the script will not be
example: avail
\des[Question][Execute Avail, Deksid and dir?][Yes][No]Deksid
option: \es
function: Execute the content of the script after the current line as
been analysed even if the analysis is not fully completed.
Once the script as been started, the rest of the commands will
be analysed.
example: avail\es\w
dir\es\w => opens 2 output windows, and executed
asynchronously avail and Dir
option: \nd
function: By default, if the \w option is used, the following DOS command
will be added to the script 'echo Press mouse button' and
'mouse'. Which will prevent the window from closing till you
hit the mouse button to exit. With the \nd option, these two
commands are not added to the script.
example: echo "Read quickly :)"\w\nd
option: \w
function: Signals the script that an OutPut window is needed. What this
is really, the DOS command executed will be
'NewShell "shell_window_definition" from script'
instead of
'Execute script'
example: avail\w
option: \X
function: Execute immediately the line where \X is. This line will not be
included in the final script. The analysis of the commands will
be halted till the execution of that line is not completed.
example: more text\X
\pa[Question][The Text is OK?][Yes][Maybe][No]
- When you click on a gadget, you can press in the same time on the fonction
key (Control, Alt, Amiga). These variables will be initialised.
- variable number 15001 <- 'CONTROL' if the CONTROL key is pressed.
- variable number 15002 <- 'R-ALT' if the RIGHT-ALT key is pressed.
- variable number 15003 <- 'L-ALT' if the LEFT-ALT key is pressed.
- variable number 15004 <- 'ALT' if one of the ALT key is pressed.
- variable number 15005 <- 'R-AMIGA' if the RIGHT-AMIGA key is pressed.
- variable number 15006 <- 'L-AMIGA' if the LEFT-AMIGA key is pressed.
- variable number 15007 <- 'AMIGA' if one of the AMIGA key is pressed.
=D "Avail"
\ved[15001][CONTROL] Avail => if the CONTROL key is pressed -> 'Avail'
\vnd[15001][CONTROL] Avail flush => Otherwise 'Avail flush'
- AutoIconify: When this option is selected, CliVa will iconify
automatically after each execution of a gadget that
contains at least one DOS command. This way, gadgets
like 'Next Page' can be executed without having
CliVa iconifying.
- Modify: All lines in the gadget defenition can be modified before
they are inserted in the script. If one of the SHIFT key
is press while clicking on a gadget, the modify option will
be active during the analysis of the commands.
version 2.0: Marsh 30, 93
First official version.
version 2.1: October 16, 93 Size: 19776
Minor BUG - A couple of Small bugs removed.
NEW - New option 'NO_HIDDEN_BUTTON', this option will not put an invisible
ScrollBar to the window when the option 'NO_DRAG_BAR' is used.
version 2.2: November 3, 93 Size: 20356
NEW - A new option '=M name' that define an element who will be linked to
the 'Tools' menu of the Workbench. (OS 2.0 only)
NEW - Pattern can now be used in the option '\ved' and '\vnd'.
(ex. '\ved[1][*.c]CED \vu[1]' => if it is a source, use CygnusEd)
(OS 2.0 only)
Minor BUG - CliVa had some problem to determine the exact size of the
workbench. Bug removed.
Minor BUG - Some probleme when using the option '\fl[new extension' with
the 'no path' option selectionned ('\o'). Bug removed.
version 2.3: January 12, 1994 Size: 20352
NEW - The enregistred user will receive a key file that will modify the
About text.
Major BUG - CliVa had a bug in with the Menus in conjunction with the
Iconified state. Bug removed.
To Do
- Use the ReqTools.library instead of Req.library.
- Addition of 'shortcuts' to the gadgets.
- Possibility to use names for variables instead of numbers.
- Make a more WB2.0 specific version.
To reach and encourage me:
CLIVA is a Shareware product, which means if you use it much, then you
should pay for it. A 15$ contribution is suggested. Any other contribution
are also accepted. Do not hesitate to give me some feedback through the
networks on CLIVA. All Amiga Clubs and disks public domain collections like
Fred Fish, are encouraged to make CliVa part of there disks collections.
Christian Warren 40:600/151.0@amiganet
Christian Warren
2201 Edouard-MontPetit #11
Montréal, Qué, CANADA
H3T 1J3
Thanks to
- C.W. Fox and Bruce Dawson: for there fantastic File Requester
and Color Requester libraries.
- Nico Francois: For is excellent libraries.
(ReqTools et PowerPacker).
- Denis Turcotte: For have been the official Beta-tester, for 'forcing me'
to implement a bunch of functions and to have translated
these docs.. Will he make the .guide's!!